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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - mean


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~1 v past tense and past participle meant 1 »HAVE A PARTICULAR MEETING« (not in progressive) to have or represent a particular meaning  ("What does 'Konbanwa' mean in English?" "It means 'Good Evening'." | The red light means 'stop'. | what is meant by (=what something means))  (What is meant by the term 'random access'? | mean (that))  (This signal means your message has been received.) 2 »INTEND TO SAY STH« (not in progressive) to intend a particular meaning when you say something  (mean (that))  (I meant we'd have to leave early - that's all. | what you mean/what she means etc)  (So what he means is that we'll have to start the whole thing again.) 3 I mean spoken a) used when explaining or giving an example of something, or when pausing to think about what you are going to say next  (He's really very rude - I mean he never even says 'Good Morning'. | It's just not right. I mean it's unfair isn't it?) b) used to quickly correct something you have just said  (She plays the violin, I mean the viola, really well.) 4 do you know what I mean?/if you know what I mean spoken used when checking that someone has understood what you are saying  (This year I want to buy her something really special. Do you know what I mean?) 5 (do) you mean ...? spoken used when checking that you have understood what someone has said  (You mean we're supposed to tell you if we want to leave early?) 6 I know what you mean spoken used to tell someone that you understand what they are talking about, because you have had the same experience yourself  (Oh, I know exactly what you mean. Things like that drive me crazy too.) 7 I see what you mean spoken used to tell someone that you now understand what they have been saying  (Yes, I see what you mean. That would be the best way to do it.) 8 see what I mean? spoken used when checking that someone has understood something you have said, often by showing them an example of it  (See what I mean? Every time she calls me up she wants me to do something for her.) 9 that's what I mean spoken used when someone is saying the same thing that you were trying to say earlier  ("We might not have enough money." "That's what I mean, so we'd better find out the price first.") 10 how do you mean? spoken used to ask someone to explain what they have just said or tell you more about it  ("He says he finds it difficult at times." "How do you mean?") 11 what do you mean ...? spoken a) used when you do not understand what someone is trying to say b) used when you are very surprised or annoyed by what someone has just said  (What do you mean, you've cancelled the holiday? | What do you mean by that?) 12 I mean to say spoken used when adding a reason or explanation for something you have just said, especially something you feel strongly about  (Of course she wants to see the children, I mean to say, it's only natural isn't it?) 13 »SAY WHICH PERSON/THING« I mean sb/sth usually spoken used to say that a particular person or thing is the one that you are talking about, pointing to etc  ("Hey you!" "Do you mean me?" | I didn't mean that one, I meant this one.) 14 »INTEND (SB) TO DO (STH)« especially spoken to intend to do something or intend that someone else should do something  (mean to do sth)  (I've been meaning to phone you all week. | I didn't mean to interrupt your meal. | mean sb to do sth)  (Oh no! I never meant her to read those comments. | mean for sb to do sth especially AmE)  (I didn't mean for her to get hurt.)  (- see also mean no harm harm1 (3)) 15 mean business to be determined to do something even if it involves hurting someone, or be very serious about something  (We've got to show these gangsters we mean business. | Get upstairs now! I mean business!) 16 he/she means well spoken used to say that someone intends to be helpful or kind, but often makes a situation worse  (He may sound a bit rude at times, but he means well.)  (- see also well­meaning, well­meant) 17 I/he etc meant it for the best especially spoken used to say that someone wanted to do something helpful, but their actions had the wrong effect  (I wasn't criticizing you, I really meant it for the best.) 18 mean mischief/trouble to intend to cause trouble  (I could tell from the look on his face that he meant mischief.) 19 what do you mean by doing sth? spoken used to tell someone that you are very annoyed because of what they have done  (What do you mean by calling me at this time of night?) 20 »SAY STH SERIOUSLY« (not in progressive) to have a serious purpose in something you say or write  (mean it)  (We've heard these threats before, but I think he means it this time. | mean what you say)  (She meant what she said - you'll have to watch out. | really mean)  (You don't really mean that, do you?) 21 I didn't mean it spoken used to say that you did not intend to upset or hurt someone  (I'm sorry, I didn't mean it - it was just a stupid thing to say. | I'm sure she didn't mean it, really.) 22 »RESULT IN STH« (not in progressive) to have a particular result  (The pit closures will mean a large rise in unemployment. | mean (that))  (His injury meant that he could no longer continue work.) 23 that doesn't mean used to say that something is not definitely true, or is not definitely going to happen, even though it may seem to be true because of something else you have mentioned  (Just because he's been in prison that doesn't mean he's some kind of violent criminal.) 24 »INVOLVE DOING STH« (not in progressive) to involve having to do a particular thing  (mean doing sth)  (I'm determined to solve this mystery even if it means traveling to New York myself.) 25 »SHOW STH IS TRUE/WILL HAPPEN« (not in progressive) to be a sign that something is true or will happen  (When the boss sends for me it usually means trouble. | mean (that))  (If the sky is red in the evening, it usually means it'll be fine the next day.) 26 sth means a lot to sb used to say something is very important to someone  (Her job means a lot to her. | sth means everything/the world to sb)  (Their grandchildren mean everything to them.) 27 mean nothing to sb a) to be unfamiliar to someone or impossible for them to understand  ("Who's that message for?" "No idea. It means nothing to me.") b) to not be important to someone  (Public honours mean nothing to her.) 28 mean something/anything to sb a) to be familiar to someone  (Does the name 'Kanafani' mean anything to you?) b) to be important to someone  (I spent years believing that I actually meant something to him.) 29 be meant to do sth a) if you are meant to do something, you should do it, especially because someone has told you to or because it is your responsibility  (We're meant to write our names at the top of the paper. | I thought the police were meant to protect people.) b) to be intended to do something  (The diagram is meant to show the different stages of the process.) 30 be meant for to be intended for a particular person or purpose  (These chairs are meant for guests.) 31 sb was never meant for sth/to be sth used to say that someone is not at all suitable for a particular job or activity  (I was never meant for the army.) 32 be meant for each other if two people are meant for each other, they are very suitable as partners for each other  (Monique and Didier were meant for each other.) 33 sth was meant to be used to say that you think a situation was certain to happen and that no one had any power to prevent it  (They met in August, and were married within a month, so I guess it was just meant to be.) 34 know/understand what it means to be sth to have experienced a particular situation, so that you know what it is like  (I understand your problems because I know what it means to be poor.) ~2 adj 1 unkind or nasty  (That was a mean thing to do.)  (Don't be so mean to her!) 2 BrE unwilling to spend any money or share what you have with other people; cheap1 (6), stingy  (He's always been mean with his money.) 3 especially AmE cruel and bad-tempered  (That's a mean dog. Be careful it doesn't bite you.) 4 no mean achievement/feat/task etc something that is very difficult to do, so that someone who does it deserves to be admired  (Winning that competition was no mean feat.) 5 be no mean performer/player etc to be very good at doing something  (He was no mean batsman in those days.) 6 AmE informal very good and skilful  (She's one mean tennis-player. | Brock plays a mean game of poker.) 7 only before noun technical average  (the mean rate of consumption) 8 only before noun literary poor or looking poor  (these mean streets) 9 only before noun old use belonging to a low social class  (a man of mean birth) - meanly adv - meanness n ~3 n 1 the mean technical the average amount, figure, or value  (The mean of 7, 9 and 14 is 10.) 2 the/a mean between sth and sth a method or way of doing something which is between two very different methods, and better than either of them  (It's a case of finding the mean between firmness and compassion.)  (- see also means)
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  I. [c red]VERB USES (means, meaning, meant) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Please look at category 19 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. If you want to know what a word, code, signal, or gesture means, you want to know what it refers to or what its message is. In modern Welsh, ‘glas’ means ‘blue’... The red signal means you can shoot. VERB: no cont, V n, V that 2. If you ask someone what they mean, you are asking them to explain exactly what or who they are referring to or what they are intending to say. Do you mean me?... I think he means that he does not want this marriage to turn out like his friend’s. VERB: no cont, V n, V that 3. If something means something to you, it is important to you in some way. The idea that she witnessed this shameful incident meant nothing to him... It would mean a lot to them to win. VERB: no cont, V amount to n, it V amount to-inf, also V amount 4. If one thing means another, it shows that the second thing exists or is true. An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer... Just because he has a beard doesn’t necessarily mean he’s a hippy. VERB: no cont, V n, V that 5. If one thing means another, the first thing leads to the second thing happening. It would almost certainly mean the end of NATO... The change will mean that the country no longer has full diplomatic relations with other states. VERB: no cont, V n, V that 6. If doing one thing means doing another, it involves doing the second thing. Managing well means communicating well. VERB: V -ing 7. If you say that you mean what you are saying, you are telling someone that you are serious about it and are not joking, exaggerating, or just being polite. He says you’re fired if you’re not back at work on Friday. And I think he meant it... VERB: no cont, V n 8. If you say that someone meant to do something, you are saying that they did it deliberately. I didn’t mean to hurt...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~t; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English menen, from Old English m?nan; akin to Old High German meinen to have in mind, Old Church Slavic meniti to mention  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to have in the mind as a purpose ; intend she ~s to win — sometimes used interjectionally with I, chiefly in informal speech for emphasis he throws, I ~, hard or to introduce a phrase restating the point of a preceding phrase we try to answer what we can, but I ~ we're not God — Bobbie Ann Mason  b. to design for or destine to a specified purpose or future I was ~t to teach  2. to serve or intend to convey, show, or indicate ; signify a red sky ~s rain  3. to have importance to the degree of health ~s everything  4. to direct to a particular individual  intransitive verb to have an intended purpose he ~s well  • ~er noun  II. adjective  Etymology: Middle English mene, from imene common, shared, from Old English gem?ne; akin to Old High German gimeini common, Latin communis common, munus service, gift, Sanskrit mayate he exchanges  Date: 14th century  1. lacking distinction or eminence ; humble  2. lacking in mental discrimination ; dull  3.  a. of poor shabby inferior quality or status ~ city streets  b. worthy of little regard ; contemptible — often used in negative constructions as a term of praise no ~ feat  4. lacking dignity or honor ; base  5.  a. penurious, stingy  b. characterized by petty selfishness or malice  c. causing trouble or bother ; vexatious  d. excellent, effective plays a ~ trumpet a lean, ~ athlete  6. ashamed 1b  • ~ness noun Synonyms:  ~, ignoble, abject, sordid ~ being below the normal standards of human decency and dignity. ~ suggests having such repellent characteristics as small-mindedness, ill temper, or cupidity ~ and petty satire. ignoble suggests a loss or lack of some essential high quality of mind or spirit an ignoble scramble after material possessions. abject may imply degradation, debasement, or servility abject poverty. sordid...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v.tr. (past and past part. meant) 1 a (often foll. by to + infin.) have as one's purpose or intention; have in mind (they really mean mischief; I didn't mean to break it). b (foll. by by) have as a motive in explanation (what do you mean by that?). 2 (often in passive) design or destine for a purpose (mean it to be used; mean it for a stopgap; is meant to be a gift). 3 intend to convey or indicate or refer to (a particular thing or notion) (I mean we cannot go; I mean Richmond in Surrey). 4 entail, involve (it means catching the early train). 5 (often foll. by that + clause) portend, signify (this means trouble; your refusal means that we must look elsewhere). 6 (of a word) have as its explanation in the same language or its equivalent in another language. 7 (foll. by to) be of some specified importance to (a person), esp. as a source of benefit or object of affection etc. (that means a lot to me). Phrases and idioms mean business be in earnest. mean it not be joking or exaggerating. mean to say really admit (usu. in interrog.: do you mean to say you have lost it?). mean well (often foll. by to, towards, by) have good intentions. Etymology: OE m{aelig}nan f. WG, rel. to MIND 2. adj. 1 niggardly; not generous or liberal. 2 (of an action) ignoble, small-minded. 3 (of a person's capacity, understanding, etc.) inferior, poor. 4 (of housing) not imposing in appearance; shabby. 5 a malicious, ill-tempered. b US vicious or aggressive in behaviour. 6 colloq. skilful, formidable (is a mean fighter). 7 colloq. ashamed (feel mean). Phrases and idioms no mean a very good (that is no mean achievement). mean White = poor White. Derivatives meanly adv. meanness n. Etymology: OE m{aelig}ne, gem{aelig}ne f. Gmc 3. n. & adj. --n. 1 a condition, quality, virtue, or course of action equally removed from two opposite (usu. unsatisfactory) extremes. 2 Math. a the term or one of the terms midway between the first and last terms of an arithmetical or geometrical etc. progression (2 and 8 have the arithmetic mean 5 and the geometric mean 4). b the...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) среднее (значение); средняя величина средний 2) средний член (пропорции) 3) мн. ч. средство; средства; метод; способ 4) мн. ч. устройство; приспособление - advancement means - aircraft evacuation means - alternative means of communication - annual mean - aperture adjusting means - arithmetic mean - automated QC means - automatic focusing means - beam splitting means - channel stop means - control means - detecting means - diurnal mean - exposure control means - film driving means - film loop forming means - fire-extinguishing means - flexible measuring means - geometric mean - harmonic mean - imaging means - logarithmic mean - measuring means - monthly mean - motor means - packaging means - population mean - programmed compensating means - programmed-controlled means - protecting means - quadratic mean - shaping means - stand displacement mean - ten-day mean ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
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Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) среднее значение 2) средство; устройство – control means – measuring means ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) значить 2) иметь в виду 3) иметь значение 4) означать 5) подразумевать 6) приспособление 7) середина 8) способ 9) срединный 10) матем. среднее 11) среднее значение 12) средний 13) средний член 14) средство 15) усредненный 16) устройство accuracy in the mean — средняя точность, точность в среднем approximation in the mean — приближение в среднем arithmetical mean of variance — арифметическое среднее (значение) дисперсии arithmetical mean value — среднеарифметическое (значение) biinvariant mean value — биинвариантное среднее change in mean effect — изменение в эффекте среднего circumferentially mean p-valent function — p-листная в среднем по окружности функция column mean square — средний квадрат для столбцов combinatorial power mean — комбинаторное среднее степенное conditional mean estimator — условная оценка среднего conditional mean value — условное среднее значение continuous in the mean kernel — непрерывное в среднем ядро converge in mean square — сходиться в среднеквадратическом converge in the mean — сходиться в среднем, стремиться convergence in mean square — сходимость в среднеквадратическом convergence in the mean — сходимость в среднем deviation from mean — отклонение от среднего (значения) differentiation in mean square — дифференцирование в среднеквадратическом direct effect mean — среднее основного эффекта...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. прил. 1) средний 2) скупой, скудный • - arithmetic mean - arithmetic mean return - at the mean - estimate of mean - limiting mean - mean for - mean income - mean rate - mean time between failures - mean time 2. гл. 1) намереваться 2) иметь в виду 3) иметь значение, значить ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) биом. средняя (величина), среднее (значение) 2) pl средство; способ – means of communication – adjusted mean – arithmetic mean – assumed mean – consecutive mean – corrected mean – daily mean – extreme mean – geometrical mean – harmonic mean – overall mean – quadratic mean – true mean – unweighted mean – weighted mean ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. середина 2. the golden (happy) mean золотая середина 3. мат. среднее число, средняя величина 4. the mean of 3, 5 and 7 is 5 среднее между 3, 5 и 7 равно 5 5. уст. умеренность 6. средний mean time —- среднее (солнечное) время Greenwich mean time —- среднее время по Гринвичу mean solar day —- средние солнечные сутки the mean yearly rainfall —- средняя годовая норма осадков mean concentration —- хим. средняя концентрация mean line —- мат. биссектрисса mean line of fire —- воен. директриса стрельбы mean proportional —- мат. среднее геометрическое mean life (-time) —- физ. среднее время жизни (частицы) mean course —- мор. генеральный курс mean observed range —- воен. средняя дальность наблюдения mean water —- нормальный уровень воды; межень mean yield —- средний урожай mean part —- муз. средний голос, теноровая или альтовая партия 7. посредственный, плохой; слабый mean abilities —- посредственные (плохие, слабые) способности mean orator —- плохой оратор no mean abilities —- незаурядные способности he is no mean scholar —- он большой ученый it is clear to the meanest intelligence —- это даже дураку понятно to have the meanest opinion of smb. —- быть о ком-л. самого дурного мнения he has no mean opinion of himself —- он о себе высокого мнения 8. скупой, скаредный to be mean over (about) money (matters) —- быть скупым в денежных делах (вопросах) 9. скудный,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  business говорить всерьез; иметь серьезные намерения; браться за что-л. серьезно, решительно MEAN line math. биссектриса; MEAN mischief  а) иметь дурные намерения;  б) предвещать дурное; MEAN time среднее солнечное время; MEAN water нормальный уровень воды; межень; MEAN well иметь добрые намерения; MEAN yield средний урожай MEAN I adj.  1) посредственный; плохой; слабый; no mean abilities - хорошие способности  2) низкий, подлый, нечестный  3) скупой, скаредный  4) coll. придирчивый; недоброжелательный  5) coll. скромный, смущающийся; - feel mean  6) amer. трудный, неподдающийся Syn: see ignoble II  1. noun  1) середина; - golden mean - happy mean  2) math. среднее число  3) pl., also as sg. средство; способ; the means and instruments of production - орудия и средства производства; it is by no means cheap - это отнюдь не дешево - the means of communication - the means of circulation - the means of payment - means of employment - by all means - by any means - by means of... - by no means  4) pl. средства, состояние, богатство; a man of means - человек со средствами, состоятельный человек - means of subsistence  5) attr. - means test  2. adj. средний; - mean line - mean time - mean water - mean yield in the mean time - тем временем; между тем III v.; past and past part. meant  1) намереваться; иметь в виду; I didnt mean to offend you - я не хотел вас обидеть; he means well by us - он желает нам добра - mean business - mean mischief - mean well ...
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